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Lust Knight Chapter 355

Chapter 352 Little Pretty Devil

A minute ago.

While Eve and Lucien's wives watch the lights in the sky, so does him.

After Ghost Lady's chaotic energy was soothed by Lucien, the lake's cloudy water became crystal clear as the surroundings also begin to lose the negative influence of the cursed blade.

From inside the lake, while collecting the rare stones nourished with mystic energy, Lucien does not notice the angels arriving, but Lust does and quickly warns him.

With the Ghost Lady in hand, Lucien makes a concerned expression as he sees the lights in the sky. "Enemies?"

"Probably." Lust responds while she is also concerned. Demons are hated by many races, so visitors from other worlds are unlikely to be friendly or even neutral with them.

Lucien doesn't think twice about flapping his wings and flying out of the lake as he heads towards his wives and warns them mentally.

He says he will be beside them in a few seconds, but then…

'LUCIEN!!!' He hears Lust shout his name inside his mind in such a worried tone as never before.

He tries to focus on all his senses, but he only manages to feel that someone reaches his front before being hit on the head with a mighty blow.


That blow was so powerful that it should have smashed Lucien's head in meat paste, but at the last moment, his demonic energy acted alone and protected his body as an instinctive reflex.

Still, Lucien is thrown back while feeling severe pain in his head. He loses control of his whole body and senses but does not stop holding the Ghost Lady.

At that moment, he hears a loud noise in the direction of his girls and quickly asks if they are okay despite him not even knowing his current state.


He falls into the lake, and Lust quickly materializes her body in front of him to stabilize his body.

'Lucien! Lucien!!' Lust calls in his mind while putting her hand on his head to stop the bleeding that not even his demonic energy managed to prevent.

His demonic energy runs inside him along with his life mana in a frenetic rhythm, regenerating his wounds and boosting his capabilities.

He casually warns the girls that he will soon be beside them while he regains consciousness.

When opening his eyes again after blinking several times, Lucien smiles as he sees Lust's beautiful face in front of him. But she looks really worried.

'Who attacked us?' He asks.

'A very powerful angel. She's on the seventh layer of the Sky Realm… we can't beat her.' Lust quickly explains.

Although Lust does not suggest the next step, Lucien can imagine what she thinks just by her worried expression.

'Do you want me to run away?'

Lust makes a sorry expression. 'That would be the wisest choice, but…'

'But?' He asks.

She smiles. 'You would never abandon them.'

'So, how do we overcome this?' He gets right to the point.

'The difference in power is two complete Realms. We can't beat her without Eve…' Lust again makes a sorry expression.

'Maybe we can talk. She has not yet entered the lake… are angels afraid of water?' Lucien asks.

Lust shakes her head. 'Angels hate demons. She will kill you as soon as you leave the lake.'

Lucien tries to think of something as quickly as he can. He totally trusts Lust and understands that their situation seems like a dead-end, besides trying to escape, but there has to be a way to overcome that enemy.

'There has to be something…' Lucien comments to Lust, and then his eyes sparkle. 'That angel is a woman, right?'

Lust quickly understands Lucien's idea, but she shakes her head. 'You… that would never work… she is an angel…'

Lucien seductively smiles as he caresses Lust's face, making her body get warmer. 'We have to try everything possible.'

'Maybe…' Lust makes a thoughtful expression and then smiles. 'Damn! Are we really going to try to seduce an angel? Well, if it is you… yes, it can work.'

'We just need a second. As soon as she lets her guard down, we use everything we have at once.' Lucien explains.

'If we fail, at least we will hurt her… yet…' Lust is still worried; after all, this is the first time in her whole existence that she has found real happiness, and she does not want to lose Lucien and their life together.

Lucien keeps a confident expression and kisses Lust. 'We will not fail!'

Their demonic energies run together through their bodies while arousing both. Through Lucien's touch, even the Ghost Lady feels that excitement and feels as good as ever.

'She's waiting for you on the lakeside.' Then Lust dematerializes her body, returning to Lucien's soul as he prepares to swim to the lake's surface.

But first, he looks at the silver blade in his hand and tries to communicate with her mentally. 'I need your help…'

The Ghost Lady shows no reaction, and Lucien laughs at himself for talking to a sword.

'Wait for my signal.' He speaks again as he releases the silver blade and swims up.

The cursed sword falls peacefully through the water, which is quite different from her previous attitude. The demonic energy that the Ghost Lady received from Lucien can keep her very calm for some time.

But a quick brightness runs on the Ghost Lady's blade, indicating that she is calm but not sleeping.

Lucien reaches the surface of the lake by swimming slowly and not using his wings, as any sudden action can make the angel attack him. He now needs to look like a pretty innocent prey.

As soon as he puts his head out of the water, he notices a beautiful gray-winged angel on the lakeside, gazing at him with a curious expression.

She appears to be 1.72 meters tall, has pale skin, black eyes, as well as her long hair wrapped in a bun.

Lucien cannot deny that the mature and charming appearance of that woman pleases him, but those gray wings make him sick because it is the blessing of the Gods.

"Oh, didn't you try to run away?" Melitta makes an expression of disappointment as she looks at Lucien.

But in fact, she is very curious about how he did not die from that blow and still looks completely fine.

He stops swimming and answers her. "Did I disappoint you?"

She shakes her head. "I expected to catch you trying to run away and see the desperation in your eyes before ripping your head off, but you look very comfortable… maybe even confident."

Lucien slowly swims towards Melitta. "I'm sure I could never run away from someone so powerful as you, so trying that would be stupidness."

Melitta nods. "Indeed… You are a smart demon, unlike any other I've ever seen."

He smiles at her. "Is that good?"

"You're still alive, aren't you?" She smiles at him too. It is difficult to hate a demon when he is the most handsome man she has ever seen.

Lucien finishes arriving at the lakeside and then leaves the water with very slow and calm movements.

Just by seeing his naked body, except the part that the underwear covers, Melitta already feels her most private parts aroused for the first time in hundreds of years.

[Damn!! I shouldn't feel this way about a dirt demon!!] She blames herself mentally, but her body craves so much for any fun after so much stress that she can't help but want to see what happens next.

Lucien swings his arms slowly to get rid of the excess water and then begins to get rid of the water out of his hair slowly and sensually while maintaining eye contact with Melitta.

"But how long will I stay alive?" He asks as he ties his red hair in a long ponytail.

Melitta is not an idiot. She can see that Lucien is trying to please her not to die, but she has complete confidence to kill him before he can do anything, so she can't help but wonder what things she could do with him. Even torturing such a handsome demon seems incredibly enjoyable.

She pouts. "You know, I'm having a shitty month. My lord, the one I swore loyalty to and to protect his home died. That's not the worst part, but his nephew, my new general, is an asshole and seems to want to destroy my home and family."

Lucien makes a sorry expression, but even that looks sexy. "I'm sorry… is there anything I can do to help you?"

Melitta smiles. "I came into this world to prevent a very powerful and brutal person from destroying my home. To do that, I must find an angel, a mine, and a cursed sword. In addition to punishing anyone who attacked a previous group of angels."

"I see…" He nods.

Then she points to him. "You must know who attacked the angels who came before me, right?"

"Yes." Lucien nods again.

Melitta is confused by Lucien's honest answer. He should deny knowing anything about that to try to avoid being punished, but he still looks very comfortable and confident, which only adds to his charm.

"Do you know where the mine and that angel are?" She asks.

He nods again, and Melitta starts to laugh. "So I found everything because I know you hid the sword in the lake."

Lucien is surprised that Melitta knows about the sword, but it was expected because she saw the Ghost Lady in his hand before attacking him with her incredible senses from someone of the middle Sky Realm.

"And now? Do you want me to take you to the mine and the girl right now, or…" Lucien alluringly smiles as he gives small steps towards Melitta.

She sighs. "You know, I've been really stressed out lately… maybe torturing a sexy devil could relax me a little."

Lucien chuckles. "I don't know if I'm a sexy devil, but well, my body is yours; after all, I can't run away, right?"

She giggles while looking at Lucien's body from top to bottom slowly. "Oh dear, if you are not a sexy devil, no one else is."

"Then I will try to please you in the best way I can…" Lucien speaks in a servile tone as he arrives in front of Melitta.

Lust, inside his soul, curses all the gods while feeling very bad to see Lucien act that way. She knows that he is pretending perfectly well to let that angel's guard down, but seeing her proud and imposing husband acting that is still depressing.

Lucien cannot say that he is enjoying doing that, but all he wants now is to get beside his wives to protect them and with Melitta's head in his hand.

"Melitta is my name." She speaks while looking at him. The height difference and those scary wings make him look powerful, but she knows that he is just in the Mortal Realm, so there is nothing he can do against her.

"It's a beautiful name…" Lucien starts to move his hand toward her face slowly, but he stops halfway and makes a sorry expression.

She quickly grabs his arm by the wrist tightly, which makes him feel pain and his demonic energy wants to act on Its own. But Lucien contains his energy and just smiles at Melitta.

"Are you afraid of me, little pretty devil?" She asks as she squeezes his wrist.

Lucien smiles confidently at Melitta and forces his arm forward. She does not fear any sneaky action from him and lets him move freely.

He wraps his arm around her neck, and she thinks he will really try to attack her, but she is still sure that any attack from him cannot hurt her, and she has the speed to stop him at any time.

But surprisingly, Lucien does not attack Melitta but pulls her head by the back of the neck towards him and kisses her lips passionately.

[Holy shit!! This guy is crazy as fuck!] Melitta thinks as she gets more and more curious about Lucien and surprised by how the kiss is even better than she could have imagined.


Lust Knight

Lust Knight

Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Chinese
Lucien, a guy who has nothing but the desire to save his mother. To get strong enough, he makes a contract with the demon of Lust. And now, only by making a great harem, will he gain the power to protect those dear to him. --------------------- This story contains sexual content. Though it's still a fantasy adventure (no reincarnation or system). ------------------- I am a beginner author. I'm not completely fluent with the English language, it's my second language. This story is written with the help of my friend, Malcolm_Massey, who edits my chapters to avoid grammatical and misspellings mistakes. -------------------- More chapters, better release rate, and exclusive content on my p!atreon: pa treon.com/lamenthief Join our discord group: https://discord.gg/5d4PxH8


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not work with dark mode