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Lust Knight Chapter 230

Chapter 227 Racist Messenger

It’s​ ​in the ​afternoon ​and​ Lucien ​is​ watching the troops train while he ​gives​ them tips. He ​is​ sitting at his table in front of the garden that ​has​ been transformed into a large training courtyard for about a thousand people at the same time.

The melee troops train with naginatas, spears, greatswords, longswords, combat gauntlets, and axes as their primary weapon. ​They also train with ​short swords and daggers as secondary weapons.

Other than about thirteen hundred melee troops, about 300 troops train in archery with Neola and Ghilanna in an area behind the castle, and around 500 troops study and trainning magic within the castle with Angela and Rose.

The mages also try their magic in a special room with ​enchantments​ to resist the damage from​ training ​destructive​ spells.

While Lucien is watching his troops train, he is also patting Anne’s head and tails on his lap. She has already done several sparring sessions and even​ beat five opponents at the same time. Even​though the other girls ​are​ in the Zero Realm, it is ​​still an incredible feat.

Lucien noticed that the L girls ​are​ getting stronger a lot faster than his original six hundred troops. Most of them were in the B and A rank, and now most of them are in the S-rank while the most talented are even in the SS-rank just after three weeks. he ​has​ only ​been able to ​have sex with each ​girl twice and also​ giving them his special milk two times because it is faster than a sex session.

Lust explained that in addition to Lucien’s demonic energy improving incredibly ​fast​, the differences in power with his sexual partners also have a significant impact on how much they can gain from his demonic energy.

In practice, it means that now that Lucien is in the Mortal Realm, his demonic energy has a much more significant impact on people of the Zero Realm than when he was also in the Zero Realm.

Women who ​have​ recently started having sex with Lucien ​can​ still only receive a ​small amount​ of his demonic energy so that it ​will ​not hurt their bodies.

But Lucien’s wives, who have his tattoo, ​can​ already receive much more of his demonic energy. Still, the impact that ​his​ demonic energy has on their bodies is a little less significant since most of them are already in the Mortal Realm like him.

Lucien ​can’t​ deny that this is useful, ​because ​he needs to increase the power of people much weaker than him. That allows his troops to approach the Mortal Realm quickly and would also help them always be close to his level of power.

His women really love it because it is easy to see that Lucien gets stronger than they do quickly. But the stronger he is, the more they gain benefits from his demonic energy, so they can always be close to his level of power and fight his ​enemies ​by his side without feeling weak and useless.

But just as the level of power differences can help people weaker than Lucien, he can also benefit more from generating demonic energy with women more powerful than him.

In an inferior world like Argerim, Lucien, and Lust ​can ​only think of his sisters as people more powerful than him. Of course, in their normal states. ​Because​ Lucien can even fight someone from the early stages of Earth Realm if he focuses all of his demonic energy on significantly boosting himself for a few seconds.

Another ​benefit from ​the rapid strengthening of Lucien’s new troops, is that all of them can participate in the battle against the forces of the Light Empire without Lucien fearing that the formation of his six hundred original troops would be worse.

In addition to them, Lucien ​will​ also take his male troops, who are now royal guards, to the battle, a group of mercenaries, and ​a group of ​adventurers.

The battle ​will ​undoubtedly be difficult, and many of them ​could​ die. Still, defeating a large Light Empire army would be very beneficial for Portgreen. Lucien ​is ​even ​thinking ​of plans to unify the entire continent in a not too distant future.

While Lucien ​thought​ about various things, and Anne ​enjoyed​ his pleasant pats, a royal guard approached his table and bowed.

“My King. A strange messenger ​arrived​, claiming to have an important message that can only be delivered directly​ to you.” The guard spoke very respectfully.

Lucien quickly asked. “Did ​they ​say anything else?”

The guard ​couldn’t​ help but smile. “He said that his leader declares herself to be the most incredible swordsman of all time.”

The guard was smiling because he didn’t think anyone could be more amazing than Lucien fighting with his red katana.

Lucien also smiled, but because he believed that his sister is really amazing with a sword. “Send the messenger to come to me.”

The royal guard bowed before going to call the messenger, who quickly came to speak to Lucien.

The man is dressed in a black leather armor that makes him look like a mercenary. He has an average look like an ordinary human with no special characteristics.

Lucien carefully ​watched​ the man and noticed his expression of contempt as he looked at the girls training on the courtyard.

Knowing he is a messenger from Amelia, Lucien assumed he is from the Light Empire, so Lucien concluded that he doesn’t like demi-humans.

A part of Lucien wants to respect different opinions while another part of him feels sorry for the racist for being a slave of his own inflexible ideas.

Then the man looked at Lucien with a strange expression, which became a disgusted look when he gazed at Anne.

Anne is one of the most beautiful women that Lucien knows, not only because of his personal taste, but ​because ​she would also be recognized as a beauty among beauties ​whenever​ people are rational.

Lucien felt even more sorry for the messenger for not realizing that. Still, he would not allow any of his wives to suffer an offense like that look. ​The​ man is already dead without knowing it.

The messenger approached Lucien with his head held high and a proud expression. “I have a message from our Holy Light Envoy.”

“Hum?” Lucien didn’t look at the man but continued patting Anne’s head in a very affectionate way.

Anne couldn’t stop smiling because she was getting Lucien’s affection. She noticed the messenger’s disgusted look, but that didn’t mean anything to her. The most handsome and incredible man in the whole existence loves her, so why would she care about ​other people’s opinion​?

The messenger’s expression started to get upset. He is very angry about being among a heretical people, but everything is for the sake of his beloved Light Empire, so he tried to focus on his mission.

“Our Holy Light Envoy is waiting for you on the southern border. She said that if you want more time, she can wait; after all, with your current forces, it is normal to fear her greatness.” The messenger spoke.

“Hehehehe…” Anne couldn’t help but giggle when she ​heard​ the messenger’s words. She, like all of ​Lucien’s wives, could imagine how Amelia would act when it’s her ​turn ​in Lucien’s arms, receiving his pleasant pats.

The messenger thought Anne was making fun of his beloved Light Envoy, so he got furious. “YOU-“

But before he could speak his next words, they got stuck in his throat ​because of the whip that lust firmly wrapped ​around it​ ​after ​materializing her body beside Lucien.

Lucien calmly spoke while he ​kept​ patting Anne. “You know, this is unlikely, but maybe I wouldn’t kill you for being a spy within my city…”

“But offending my beloved girls is unforgivable. If you had a chance to get out of here alive, you lost it when you looked at my troops.”

Lust pulled her whip, causing the messenger to kneel on the ground as he struggled to breathe.

“Can I give him a painful death, Hubby?”

The Purple World portal started to open beside them while Lucien answered Lust. “Oya hasn’t had a new toy in a while.”

“Oh, in that case, I will be happy to watch.” Lust sat down next to Lucien while she dematerialized her whip, releasing the messenger.

The man began to cough as he recovered his breath, ​because ​Lust’s whip ​did some​ serious damage to his throat.

Lucien’s troops, as well as other people around the training courtyard stopped doing ​whatever they were doing​ to watch the interesting scene.

The big white tigress came out of the portal. Oya and Lucien’s ​connection​ is getting better and better over time, so she can easily feel it when he wants​​ her help.

Oya’s nature has always been violent, but she feels a special delight for brutalizing Lucien’s and their family’s enemies. Mama tigress is very proud, ​just like​ Lucien​ is​, and both of them​ will not​ allow anyone to offend their family without suffering severe consequences.

She kept her normal size, ​because she ​ ​would​ kill the man on the first bite if she ​is​ in her ​expanded size. As Oya passed Lucien’s side, he quickly stroked her head, making her give a low roar of appreciation.

When the messenger noticed the big tigress, he tried to crawl back and get up, but it was in vain because Oya quickly broke the bones in​ one of his legs with a mighty blow of her paw.​

“ARGHHHHHH!!!!” The messenger started to scream, and so he would scream in pain for several minutes until Oya finished “playing” with him.

Some of Lucien’s troops could not help feeling a little sorry for the man, but soon they had only smiles on their faces after hearing their Master’s next words.

“This man is a spy for the Light Empire. He came to tell me that an army of damn racists is waiting to be killed on the southern border.”

Then Lucien smiled at his troops. “What should we do? Shall we go to kill them now or let them wait a little longer?”

A demi-human girl who was in front of the group quickly exclaimed. “We must kill them immediately, Master!”

Then other girls started talking. “We are strong with you, Master!!”

“We can do this! We can defeat them!!”

“Yes, now we will have our revenge!!”

“Together with our Master, we are going to wash away the evil they did to us with their blood!”

The troops seemed to be ​very excited even though they were going to face an army of two​ hundred thousand Light Empire soldiers with a much smaller number.

But they were not underestimating themselves but believing in the power Lucien is giving them. They can​ feel Lucien’s demonic energy in their bodies, making them feel invincible and proud​ warriors.

Lucie smiled because his troops did not disappoint him. Then he looked at Lust. “What do you think? Can we do it now?”

Lust smiled lovingly at Lucien. “Undoubtedly. They may have many soldiers, but they are weak. Except for Amelia, her assistant, and perhaps a few other people, they are just ​living ​training dummies waiting to be destroyed by us.”

Then she started stroking Lucien’s beautiful red hair. “Still, I think we can do something first to make sure you don’t lose any of your girls in the battle.”

Before Lucien asked what that was, Lust explained. “You are almost reaching the third layer of the Mortal Ream, so I think that if you start the night love session early today, until tomorrow, you will make this breakthrough.”

“Since your wings are almost fully developed, this breakthrough should be enough to ​allow​ them to ​finish ​growing​, and if you ​practice flying​ them until we reach the battlefield, you could also fly, allowing us ​to use ​new and improved strategies.”

Lucien has the support of his troops and Lust. He also wants to know if his other wives think the same way, so he started the war conference, which was now done on his big bed while he made his way to the third layer of the Mortal Realm and strengthened his girls even more.

Of course, after they finished watching Oya playing with the Light Empire messenger.


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Lust Knight

Lust Knight

Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Chinese
Lucien, a guy who has nothing but the desire to save his mother. To get strong enough, he makes a contract with the demon of Lust. And now, only by making a great harem, will he gain the power to protect those dear to him. --------------------- This story contains sexual content. Though it's still a fantasy adventure (no reincarnation or system). ------------------- I am a beginner author. I'm not completely fluent with the English language, it's my second language. This story is written with the help of my friend, Malcolm_Massey, who edits my chapters to avoid grammatical and misspellings mistakes. -------------------- More chapters, better release rate, and exclusive content on my p!atreon: pa treon.com/lamenthief Join our discord group: https://discord.gg/5d4PxH8


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not work with dark mode