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Lust Knight Chapter 221

Chapter 218 The Miracle of Life

While Lucien worked hard with his women in Argerim, the situation on one of Its moons was very crazy.

On the top floor of the highest tower on the moon, Sophia woke up after sleeping for two weeks.

“I’m so hungry!!” The beautiful young red-haired lady exclaimed.

Above Sophia’s head, a beautiful blonde woman appeared. Her mature sexy body would certainly be much appreciated by the current Lucien.

Sloth yawned without opening her eyes. “You make a lot of noise, child.”

Sophia quickly took food from the table as she questioned Sloth again. “When are we going to look for Lucien? I really miss him.”

Sloth wanted to roll her eyes, but unnecessary movements made no sense to her. “Do you only think about eating and having sex with your brother?”

Sophia shrugged. “But wouldn’t that be very good for us? I mean, isn’t that how Lust’s powers work?”

“But not mine. That boost he gave you was good for us and has already allowed us to get this far. Still, you must remain calm and immobile most of the time. And having sex doesn’t seem like a calm activity.” Sloth responded.

Sophia already had a solution. “Oh, so I just need to lay still and calm while he makes love with me. I also could sleep in his arms while he strokes me. There are so many ways this can work, and you can’t deny it!”

Sloth really couldn’t deny Sophia’s words. She and her previous hosts had never done that before because her host and the ones of the other sins did not get along with Lust’s host. In fact, none of their hosts got along well, but now they are siblings, a brother and six sisters.

“Okay, that makes sense, but there is still a reason for us not to be together in the beginning. Although the cooperation between us is the goal, fighting for resources is quite common among my sisters, and that would be bad to us now.” Sloth responded.

Sophia didn’t understand. “Why would I fight Lucien for resources? I wouldn’t need anything but his love and a bed to become more powerful.”

“Exactly. In that case, Lucien’s love would be the resource you would fight for. Although he could achieve very good results by taking pleasure with you, he still needs many women because you alone would not be able to follow his pace.” Sloth explained.

Sophia shook her head. “Nah, I am not a possessive and jealous wife. I would behave well.”

Sloth slowly opened her eyes and gazed at Sophia. “Do you think you can lie to me, foolish child? You are jealous of Lust since you saw her with your brother. I don’t even want to see the mess you will create when you see the current harem he must already have.”

Sophia pouted for a few seconds before she exclaimed. “OK!! Dammit, you’re right. I’m selfish. I’m fucking selfish for wanting him just for myself so badly.”

Then she continued. “But I’m not stupid. I understand his needs, and I wouldn’t mind him having other women, as long as he doesn’t neglect my needs. And he already promised that we would be together, and he would take care of me, so we have to be together!”

Sloth closed her eyes again while her body remained motionless in the air. “Hmm… We still need more resources to create a portal.”

Sophia happily smiled that Sloth was willing to look for Lucien. In fact, Sloth was very satisfied with Sophia.

Perhaps it was because of bloody rose or her latent talents that Sophia had already improved from the fifth layer of the Mortal Realm to the first layer of the Earth Realm so quickly.

Of course, Sloth knew that her methods were the best at first as they didn’t need to do anything besides sleep while using the dream realm to train.

But over time, the other sins can get stronger than them by improving their methods, as the host of Pride having more followers and Lucien having more pleasure.

Also, Sloth knew that Sophia is perfect for cooperation with Lucien. In fact, much of Sophia’s improvement already had to do with Lucien.

Not only because of the initial boost but also because Sophia felt pleasure to remember the incredible love session she had with Lucien, as well as dreaming of the next ones they will have. And Sophia tattoo seemed to glow every time she feels good thinking about Lucien.

While Sloth thought about how interesting things were this time, not only because she and her sister’s hosts are being affected by bloody rose, but for several other reasons, Sophia was eating cookies.

Sophia had to eat well because of not eating for such a long time, but her life mana helped a lot, preventing her body from becoming week and sick.

Her life mana affinity has always been incredible even though she was born in a medium world with much fewer resources than a superior world. And of course, her abilities got even better after her father used the bloody rose on her and on his other children.

But strangely, Sophia’s life mana, while growing more powerful each day, was becoming less effective in taking away her hunger that seemed to grow by the day.

Sophia couldn’t help but stroke her belly while she ate the cookies. In fact, she was feeling a little strange…

“WHAT?!” Sophia exclaimed as she jumped out of her chair.

Sloth was surprised by Sophia’s reaction and quickly questioned her. “What happened, Sophia?”

Sophia looked annoyed as she searches something on her body. “Where?! I can’t see it!! Where are you?!”

“What are you looking for?!” Sloth began to worry about Sophia’s mental health.

“A bug. There is an insect on my body, and I can’t find it.” Sophia replied as she continued looking for the “bug” on her body.

“Bug? There is no bug on your body.” Sloth, despite keeping her body and mind running with as little effort as possible, kept her perception aware of anything around her and Sophia.

Sophia was confused by Sloth’s words. “No bug? But I can feel Its aura. Yes, I’m sure there’s another living being on my body.”

“Are you sure? Take off your clothes!” Sloth, like Lust and the other sins, could sense and analyze most living creatures, but Sloth was sure that there were many things in the universe outside of her and her sister’s vast knowledge.

Also, Sloth knew that her ability to analyze living creatures and other sources of energy could easily be overcome by Sophia’s life affinity that’s boosted by the bloody rose; after all, the rose is one of the most incredible and mysterious treasures of all the existence.

Sophia took off her clothes while she and Sloth continued to look for something abnormal on her body. As on the outside of Sophia’s body had no changes, they started to focus entirely on using their abilities to scan the inside of her body.

Sophia focused her life affinity on her hands and began to run it over her body, making the analysis as thorough as she could.

“Huh? It’s here. I feel it.” Sophia felt the other life force in her belly.

Sophia started to caress her belly, trying to understand what the life force is. Sloth also started to stroke Sophia’s belly. “I can’t feel anything. Where is it? In your stomach?”

Sophia shook her head. “I don’t think it’s in my stomach, but…”

Then she moved her hands further down to reach Lucien’s tattoo on her low belly area. She felt the life force stronger in that area.

When Sophia understood what she was feeling, she couldn’t help but open the most beautiful smile she had since that time when Lucien said he loves her.

Sophia started to laugh uncontrollably because she was so happy, so happy that she could feel her heart filling with love… love for Lucien and love for the life force she was feeling in her womb.

“It’s in my womb!! Hahaha! I feel it in my womb!!! Is this a dream, Sloth? If it is, don’t wake me up, please.” Sophia started to spin around the room with both hands on the tattoo on her low belly area.

Sloth was confused by Sophia’s positive reaction. “Why are you so happy? Shouldn’t you be worried about not knowing what’s in your womb? This can be dangerous, no, this is certainly dangerous!”

Sophia stopped spinning and looked at Sloth with a confused expression. “Oh? Isn’t it obvious what’s in my womb?”

“Obvious? If you know what it is, just tell me, silly child!” Sloth could not understand what Sophia was talking about; after all, the sins and their hosts have always been infertile.

Sophia proudly smiled as she answered. “It is the fruit of my love with Lucien. This life, growing inside me, is our child. I have always dreamed of this moment… I cannot believe that it is really happening.”

“Child?” Sloth opened her eyes in shock. “No, no, no… it can’t be… you are infertile. I already explained that to you.”

Sophia shook her head. “You’re wrong. I can feel it, yes… There is something blocking my abilities. It feels like some kind of barrier. But I can still feel some of my aura and a lot of Lucien’s aura in this child.”

She continued to stroke her belly while trying to pass her life mana through the barrier and reach the fetus. “Humm… I feel a powerful life aura in this child. Even though I can only feel a little of it, it is easy to realize that this child has an incredible life affinity.”

Then Sophia remembered when she had sex with Lucien. “This… this life aura, I felt it in Lucien’s essence. I thought it was because of the mixture of our fluids, but now I understand. There was already a life aura in Lucien, and now there is that same life aura in our baby.”

“Another life aura?” Sloth was confused because she couldn’t feel it in Lucien’s body.

Everything seemed very surreal and impossible, but again, Sloth understood that her knowledge, although very vast, is limited. She is smart enough not to deny something even though she was sure it was wrong, or rather, she would never be one hundred percent sure about anything.

Sloth began to think of several possibilities. The first thing that came to her mind was the bloody rose. The bloody rose was a mysterious treasure that quickly killed anyone who used it. As one of the side effects of its unstable energy, the bloody rose also made its users infertile.

“But the sins and their hosts are already infertile because of the demonic energy…” Sloth started to think out loud. “Does the joining of two energies so powerful and mysterious created something new that cured the side effect of infertility?”

Then she thought about the Dragon Queen of Life. The legends say that women with the best life affinity can generate children under any circumstances and even without a partner.

Then Sloth concluded that Sophia’s life mana boosted by the bloody rose, along with Lucien’s mysterious energies, also boosted by the bloody rose could really cure their infertility.

But then what would that child be like? As the child from two hosts of sin, would this child have characteristics of her and Lust as well? Would the bloody rose affect the child? Sloth couldn’t help being excited.

While Sloth was surprised that the situation with Lucien and his sisters got even more interesting, Sophia kept jumping around the room like a happy kid.

Then she stopped and thought of something. “Sloth! I have to go back to Lucien right now!! I have to tell him that he will be the father of our baby… our first baby!”

Sloth nodded. “We really have to get together as soon as possible.”

She couldn’t help but smile as she thought of something. “I wonder what Lust’s reaction will be when he finds out that Lucien got his sister pregnant…”

Then Sloth’s smile got even wider as she ran her hand over her lower belly area. “Could he… our real bodies…”

Lust Knight

Lust Knight

Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Chinese
Lucien, a guy who has nothing but the desire to save his mother. To get strong enough, he makes a contract with the demon of Lust. And now, only by making a great harem, will he gain the power to protect those dear to him. --------------------- This story contains sexual content. Though it's still a fantasy adventure (no reincarnation or system). ------------------- I am a beginner author. I'm not completely fluent with the English language, it's my second language. This story is written with the help of my friend, Malcolm_Massey, who edits my chapters to avoid grammatical and misspellings mistakes. -------------------- More chapters, better release rate, and exclusive content on my p!atreon: pa treon.com/lamenthief Join our discord group: https://discord.gg/5d4PxH8


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not work with dark mode