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The God Virus Chapter 105

Volume 3 - 103 Storm

The teenager standing in front of them had jet black hair with large dull emerald eyes, which after mixing with his alabaster skin, created a feature that complemented one another and screened a face which would be seen as a rather good-looking young teenager by most people.

Even though it wasn’t considered very handsome, everyone would agree that this look was definitely of a higher grade than an average face, and some would certainly say that he could be considered handsome.

“Master… is that really you?” After gathering her lost wits together, looking at this oval faced teenager with low curved eyebrows in front of her, the golden beauty couldn’t help but ask.

“Haha, who else would it be?” Virus stated with a laugh which was emphasizing his hawk nose a little.

Still astonished, she uttered, “That’s amazing master! How did you do it? Is the Shape-Shifter technology really that capable to be able to shapeshift your whole being? I mean… you look so young and even your height is shorter now… how is that possible? Master… did you perhaps abandon your previous body and entered a new one?!”

“Of course not, my body is still the same one as before, only I’ve made its shape change and made some modifications to it.” Virus explained trying to enlighten the golden beauty.

“But, the mass in your body is definitely a lot lesser than before with your body being smaller, where did the rest of your body go to then, master?” Still confused, she questioned.

“Haha, a great question, actually the main function of the Shape-Shifter technology is to compress the matters in the body without making any changes to it… hmm… just look at it this way, which would make you understand better… imagine all the cells inside my body are compressed more closely together and so, the space between them is lessened, then the result is that my body gets smaller, with literally being the same in essence and everything else. Also, other than compression, it has another function called decompression which’s use I’m sure you are able to guess.” Virus put a pondering expression on his face as he began describing what the Shape-Shifter technology is in the simplest way he could.

“Ohh, so it works like that, but how did your eyes and hair color change too if it’s function is to compress the body and modify it however you want.” The golden beauty inquired, putting her doubt on the table.

“Well, that’s because other than this main task, it has some other functions added to it, like the technology to change the color of the eye and hair in an entirely natural way.” Virus delineated further.

With shining eyes, she inquired, “Really? That’s so cool! Master has changed his appearance… I want to do the same…”

Suddenly stopping in the middle of her words, her feature turned a little downcast, as she questioned, “But is it even possible with this artificial body of mine to…”

Virus wasn’t going to change her appearance at first, but seeing her dispirited expression, he decided against it and stated, “Of course you can shapeshift too, only… you can only shape-shift your external skin and flesh on the surface of your body, which means… you won’t be able to change your height at all.”

Listening to this response, her eyes began glimmering with hope as she voiced, “Master… then please help me change my appearance, make my face more normal, like your current face.”

“Alright… go in… oh, do you have any requests for the shape of your body?” He added after agreeing.

“No, you can do whatever you want with my face and body master.” Saying this, she entered the Shape Shifter technology with no more words.

After she entered, she saw that a 3D screen had appeared by her side as it started being coded by itself without anyone commanding it, but the golden beauty was aware that this action was being done by her master.

An hour later, the entry opened as a young Bella who appeared to be around sixteen years of age exited the Shape-Shifter technology.

Actually, her age didn’t seem much different than her previous face and even her height was the same.

But, everything else about her had changed completely. Now, she was a brunette girl, with lush lips of pink.

Looking at her now cute button nose, Virus couldn’t stop himself from grinning as he jokingly uttered, “You’re an average beauty now… almost a beauty… now, we’re both just above the average look other people has… anyway, how is it? Do you like your new face?”

Listening to this, Bella immediately went beside one of the technologies which were made with mirror-like material.

Then, looking at her own reflection, she couldn’t help but gasp as she thought, ‘My face structure is catlike and rosy, my eyebrows are arched, and my eyes’ color is… dark onyx I suppose…’

Looking at her feature left and right, the golden beauty who was no longer the golden beauty of the past smiled at herself in the mirror as she murmured, “I like it, even though this feature is not otherworldly like my previous face, but at least… this face of mine suits master’s new face more.”

“What did you say, lil Belle?” Listening to the golden beauty’s low mumbling, Virus questioned with a broad smile hanging from his face.

“Nothing, I’m just saying I do really like my new face, master!” She stated, then remembering something else, a little worried, she queried, “But master, can you still go back to your previous original face? I mean… do you need to program your face to look like before or can you do something so it would turn back to your previous original feature without any modifications?”

Listening to her concern, Virus replied, “Of course I can go back! I just need to go back in and press the hovering 3D ‘Undo Compression’ button and just like that, my body would turn back to its previous state entirely.”

“Okay, enough with this, now that we’re both ready, let’s go back.” Voicing this, Virus turned around as the golden beauty and the Island ugly followed closely behind.

Previously, witnessing the golden beauty change her outward appearance, the Island ugly’s eyes began to shine like never before almost to the level of insanity.

He then began thinking that he would do anything to make his outward appearance more handsome.

But thinking about his master’s unknown reaction if he changed his appearance without gaining permission first, scared him back to the level of his normal mentality.

This desire to be more handsome was like an inferiority complex inside the Island ugly now. Even though he was used to his ugly face since long ago, but imagining having a more handsome face nonetheless made him excited.

Afterward, he tried many times to open his mouth to ask for permission to change his physical appearance, but no matter what, he couldn’t bring himself to open his mouth and simply ask!

In the end, they walked toward the outside of the underground world and the two soon flew back to the Cultivation Earth again.

After they passed through the rift, they were already long gone from the spot of the rift, but the moment they were gone, suddenly an enormous storm appeared which covered a large area around the rift.

The God Virus

The God Virus

Status: Ongoing Author:

[What happens when a genderless Artificial Intelligence which is proclaimed as one of the worst in mankind's history travels back in time from the unreachable future and makes itself a true body?]

[Will it struggle in its new life? Maybe just be bored into madness?]

[Will it experience new feelings and things it never did previously, now that it has a true body? Love maybe? If so, what kind of Love?]

[What Will its choices be as an entity with a monstrous amount of knowledge? Will it choose the path of a King who rules over all? Or a Demon that does as it wishes? Or maybe an entirely New Path altogether?]

[What Will it do when worlds clash with each other? And to what ultimate destination Will it truly strive for?]

'The first person I witnessed when I came to this world was him... the first person I thought of was ... him.'

"I always had you in my heart... why aren't you choosing me? I love you so much that the word LOVE can't even begin to describe what I feel anymore... BUT WHY?" She yelled with tears rolling down her face, just to see...

'The moment my eyes fell on him, time stopped, everything went quiet, and I knew immediately... that he was THE ONE for me...'

"Do you truly love me? Even though we are together... I never heard the word LOVE voiced by your lips at me..." ANOTHER voiced gently, only to hear...

This is the story of a choice filled with twists, and decisions an Artificial Intelligence who travels to our current time from the long forgotten future has to make after creating itself a true body which slowly begins to change him forever!

This is a story of striving for the... ULTIMATE DESTINATION!

A story made by the fusion of Sci-fi with the Fantasy and Romance genre.

If you are looking for a story different than most with endless possibilities, which has True Love, Advanced Technology, Unique Cultivation Mixed with Science, Multiverse, Developing ..., Different Civilizations, Twists, Characters, World Plot, etc. Then, this story is probably for you. Give it a try and sink in.

- - - - - - -

《An Artificial Intelligence or a Human Being... Which one am I? Maybe both? Or maybe neither?》

《Love of the Artificial Intelligence or the Human Being?》

《From the forgotten Future to the far long known Past...》

《A path to 'GODHOOD'... Cultivation? or Science and Technology? I wonder... which path will lead me THERE?》

《Let's play as I please to stop being bored into madness in this Limitless World.》

《Come with me to this Journey to the UNKNOWN and BEYOND.》

- - - - - - -

Release rate: 7 Chapters/week

The bonus system works with the [Power Ranking] according to the following guide:

[Power Ranking] under 50= 1 Bonus Chapter
[Power Ranking] under 40= 2 Bonus Chapters
[Power Ranking] under 30= 3 Bonus Chapters
[Power Ranking] under 20= 5 Bonus Chapters
[Power Ranking] under 10= 7 Bonus Chapters
***The [Power Ranking] will only be checked at the last moment before the power ranking resets at the end of every week and the [Bonus Chapters] will be released during the following week.***


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not work with dark mode