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Number One Dungeon Supplier Chapter 448

Chapter 448 Dark Templars

“Your whatever formation won’t make any difference,” Sebastia said as she faced her enemies as confident as she was since the start of the battle. Instead of throwing dark energy bolts or relentlessly throwing their lives away, the Dark Templars seem to act more cautiously in attacking and had taken positions around Sebastia.

Standing at 3, 6, 9 and 12 o’clock of Sebastia, with a pair of Dark Templars facing the Minotaur Maid, they began to chant words that were foreign even to the System’s translation abilities to make sense of. One of each pair swiftly knelt down as they cut their wrist simultaneously and ensuing that Sebastia did not interrupt the wrist cutting action, the other Dark Templars stepped forward to protect their partners.

Surprisingly, Sebastia did nothing to disturb them at all, which made the dark templars to feel a sense of uneasiness as well as anticipation. The chanting stopped as the Dark Templars kneeling down stood up and threw the blood they collected within the grasp of their hand and threw it at their partners who were protecting them.

“Now you shall fear the Dark Templar’s true powers.” The one who initially gave the orders spoke. On closer inspection, Sebastia observed that his armour design was more intricate than the others and assumed that he was the leader for this small squad of Dark Templars.

A dark reddish circle appeared above the four templars who had been tainted with their partner’s blood as it shone a malevolent, dim red light on them. Sebastia continued to idle around and gave them time to show their full form.

“We have contact with demons beyond your understanding, and since you are out to kill us, I can only assume you either killed the Silver Mage or the Silver Mage betrayed us. Tell us your objective, and we promise to make it a swift end!” The leader attempted to reason it out with Sebastia seeing that she remained calm the whole time. Either she had gone completely mad or she had some trump card that she was not showing, allowing her to be… overconfident of her abilities.

“Yeap, I do not understand them. From what I see, there are no visible changes to you lot at all. You sure you are already done? That was not just a magic trick?” Sebastia taunted them once more. Unlike their leader, the Dark Templar standing behind Sebastia was pissed at her for sorely underestimating them. He proceeded to dash towards the Minotaur with his brand new powers. A pair of bat wings which grew to full size the moment it emerged out of the dark templar’s scapulae.

Thinking that he could ambush and cleanly lob the head of that arrogant battle lady in front of him, he smiled at that the incoming result and prepared his sword at the ready.

“Oh, it really is a magic trick. You grew wings.” Sebastia was still talking when the winged dark templar slid to the other side with a broken sword and one less wing. Blood spewed out at a tremendous rate from his back, making the Dark Templar screamed out in agony. Meanwhile, Sebastian looked at the trembling batwing and sniffed at it for a moment.

“Sure, it does smell a bit different from the usual, I wonder if it will make a difference. Guess there’s only one way to find out.” Sebastia bit off a chunk from the batwing, and all of the Dark Templars went into a defensive stance. However, not everyone was as composed and steady. The sight before them resulted in one of the Dark Templar removing their helmet and vomiting from the disgust of the scene.

“Hmm, it sure tastes a little more exotic and the same time familiar, but this wing does help a bit. Thanks, I can feel my muscles in me moved, guess the quick ejection of the wings can be considered as an ability.” Sebastia bit another chunk off before throwing it down on the floor.

“Next?” Instead of a stance, she placed her hands at the back and stood at ease.

“Who are you!?!” The leader finally knew for sure that the being in front of him was not a mere human neither was she a practitioner of any arts he was familiar with. “How did you manage to outrun the speed of the demon?!”

“You call that a demon? Hahahahah!! HAHAHAHAHAH!! I think you meant a human borrowing a pathetic portion of its power.” Sebastia was laughing with her guard down. The dark templars on her left and right charged in, both with the same kind of enhancement. A borrowed arm of a demon.

Their right and left demonic fists were enlarged, reaching a size almost bigger than themselves as they hurled it towards Sebastia with the palms open. It was as if they planned to squash her between both palms but Sebastia dodged it with grace by bending backwards and continued to laugh.

However, the Dark Templars were not done, as they slammed into each other palms, it caused a shockwave that made Sebastia lose her footing and fall to the ground.

Next, the two palms interlaced with each other and as if the arms had the will of their own, neglected the weight and balance of the Dark Templars and slammed its clasped hands onto Sebastia. A powerful impact rippled through the area, causing even the broken farming windmill to break further into pieces.

Amidst the smoke, the Dark Templars thought they did it until they heard the continuous laughter right in front of them and then noticed their arms were also ripped off, causing them to be in the same situation as the dark templar with a missing wing.

“You are more dangerous than a demon…” The leader mumbled as he saw two of his subordinates drop like flies in front of him while Sebastia threw the two ripped arms into the dark templar who had the last enhancement. However, that dark templar managed to escape the throw and proceeded with unbridled speed towards the horrifying Battle Lady.

Unlike the wings and arms, the last dark templar, who was stained with blood enchantments, was blessed with the hind legs of the contracted demon that moved at the speed of sound. Yet, no matter how fast he tried to hit, Sebastia was blocking all of his attacks and she was smiling quietly while deflecting all of them.

“You know, even though you are attacking this fast, hitting high, hitting low and at different directions, you made yourself laden full with openings. It is an admirable attempt but at the same time, pitiful. ” Sebastia sighed as she used her hands and legs to block the attacks but never once attack back despite her analysis.

“Don’t mind me, I am just curious to see how long your heart can last before it gives way. By the way, you are one kick off from the previous three seconds, buck up, or I will kill you.” Sebastia complained and the dark templar threw in all he could. He might have the speed, but he did not have the brute arm force of the contracted demon which possessed his squadmates. Still, he believed that even if he had it, there was no way to defeat this real demon.

Soon, Sebastia got bored of it since it was apparent he was slowing down more and more. Thus, she grabbed his two legs and lifted him up before smashing him to the ground, tearing his two legs away from his body. The dark templar immediately fainted from the impact and subsequently died from the immense blood loss.

Meanwhile, Sebastia noticed that the five who cut their wrist were already chanting at the side of their leader. She even saw that the sacrificial knives were now at their throats. “Hmm, so they are willing to sacrifice themselves to further the cause of their leader. As what my Lord would say.”

“Admirably stupid.”

This time, Sebastia did not stay idle, but instead of rushing forward, she took out a coin out and shoot it at them.

The coin immediately split into and five instantly pierced through the heads of the chanters despite having their helmets on to protect them. Sebastia did not want to waste the number of potential workforce because of some meaningless suicide. If they wished to die, they might as well die for Master Jin.

“Now, the only one that’s left is you, why don’t you tell me what you know?” Sebastia asked as the Dark Templar instinctively went into defensive stance. At the same time, the minotaur maid could see that he was trembling in his boots even though he was still willing to look death in its face.

“Your body’s expression alone reveals to me that you have seen enough fighting to last your lifetime. Though my presence should be telling every fibre of your body to run, you endured to stay. Heh, I like your courage, little one.” Sebastia praised as she strolled slowly towards him and his sword immediately glowed with dark energy.

“Good Good Goood!!! You did well, Lady!” The Demon Rat Captain began to come to the scene from afar, and Sebastia felt irritated that the Demon Rats chose to come forward at such impeccable timing. If he were just an underling, the Minotaur Maid would not care about the Demon Rats capturing him. However, based on the short interaction with his squad, he should have a sizeable influence in his cult.

Therefore, Sebastia swiftly flicked a coin into the Leader’s helmet and it slipped through the visor without the Demon Rats noticing. “We will capture this bad bad templar!” The Demon Rat Captain ordered his rank and file to surround the dark templar. He knew that the leader would struggle, killing a few rats before succumbing to their capture.

However, instead of killing the rats, his glowing dark sword was lifted towards his neck, and a clean cut was done by himself to avoid being captured. The Demon Rats wanted to stop him, but it was too late since he also engulfed himself with the glowing dark energy, causing him to explode and wipe a few out a few demon rats off this planet.

“Pffft, Dark Templars, always eccentric. Does not matter, job done. ” The Demon Rat Captain raised his hand to shake with Sebastia. “You prove yourself strong. Good ally for rats. We approve your request. You can kill more rebels!!!” The Demon Rat Captain said as they provided a carriage for Sebastia to sit in.

“But first good food, good rest then tomorrow start killing more rebels okay?!” The Demon Rat Captain added as he went into the carriage with Sebastia accepted the offer. “You do not need to rest at that pathetic inn, we have a grand room for you to sleep!”

“That’s the way! But one condition, if you want me to kill rebels, I will do them myself. No Demon Rats can interfere. However, you can bring demon rat scouts to check the place once I am done with it. Fair?” Sebastia asked before she got into the carriage.

“Fair? Sounds excellent!” The Demon Rat Captain nodded as he slapped the side of the carriage and it was pulled by bigger and seemingly dumber Demon Rats back into Town Uote.

Number One Dungeon Supplier

Number One Dungeon Supplier

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
In a modern world where cultivators need a place to cultivate or vent their boredom, there are private businesses that set up instance dungeons with the aid of technology and cultivation magic to enable cultivators to train and commoners to experience the life of cultivation. They are called dungeon suppliers. Xie Jin's one and only dream was to be a dungeon supplier and when his only relative passed away, the relative's inheritance gave him a plot of land and surprisingly, a 'System' Module which the relative had previously used. With the help of the system, Xie Jin decided to pursue his dream of becoming the number one dungeon supplier. ----------- (13/8/2020) Author's opinion: At this point, this book had hundreds of chapters worth of content which I had planned for a long time. If you wish to undertake the book and appreciate the story, please read it up till chapter 300s to understand the sudden twist in chapter 100s. i will admit that during that time, I am still a young budding author and could have expressed the story better in the early hundred chapters. But I assure you the story development is worth it.


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not work with dark mode